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- Wed, 11 DecChallock11 Dec 2024, 19:00 – 23:00Challock, The Stag, Canterbury Rd, Challock, Ashford TN25 4BB, UK
Blackpalfrey Event Summary 2024/25
Sunday 7th January - Regularity Run
Friday 19 January - Navigational Scatter
Sunday 4th February - Regularity Run
Sunday 17th March - Regularity Run
Friday 15th March - Navigational Scatter
Friday 22nd March - Andy Gibson 12 Car Rally (BpMCK round of the Weald 12 Car Championship)
Saturday 13th April - Hughes Rally (HRCR Clubmans Road Rallying Championship)
Wednesday 12th June - Blackpalfrey AGM & Awards Night
Sunday 30th June - Regularity Run
Sunday 6th October - Tour of Kent
Sunday 24th November (Postponed until Sunday 1st December) - Regularity Run, Organiser - Dick Athow
Sunday 19th January - Regularity Run Organisers - Bob & Gavin Pilcher
Sunday 23rd February - Regularity Run Organisers Nigel & Rosemary Mead
Friday 28th February (TBC) - Scatter Rally
Sunday 23rd March - Regularity Run Organisers Phil Smith & Charlie Harrison
Friday 28th March - Andy Gibson 12 Car Rally (BpMCK round of the Weald 12 Car Championship)
Sunday 18th May - Regularity Run
Sunday 29th June - Regularity Run
Sunday 20th July - Regularity Run